Purpose-Led Design: The Tusko Way


Purpose-Led Design: The Tusko Way

In a world where our attention is constantly pulled in multiple directions, creating engaging and eye-catching visuals has become more important than ever. As a purpose-led organisation, Tusko is committed to helping clients tell their stories through strong visuals that not only capture attention but also drive meaningful change. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of purpose-led design and offer five tips for marketing professionals to consider when creating purpose-led designs.

The Power of Purpose

At Tusko, we believe that design has the power to change the world. Purpose-led design is a strategic approach that focuses on creating visuals that resonate with people on a deeper level, ultimately helping to build stronger connections with audiences and driving positive change.

A brand's purpose should go way beyond just making a profit; it speaks to the core values and beliefs that drive the organisation. It can also inspire its employees, stakeholders, and customers. By incorporating these values into the design process, purpose-led design helps to create a cohesive brand experience that aligns with the organisation's mission and vision.

Here is some research to support this view.

  • A study by Unilever revealed that its Sustainable Living Brands, which focus on purpose-led design and social impact, grew 69% faster than the rest of the company's business in 2018. This indicates that purpose-led brands can significantly outperform their competitors in terms of revenue generation. (Source: Unilever)

  • A survey by Deloitte found that 73% of employees who feel their organisation has a strong sense of purpose are more engaged in their work. Engaged employees are more likely to contribute positively to the company's performance, including higher revenue generation. (Source: Deloitte)

The Five Principles of Purpose-Driven Design

Here are five tips for marketing professionals to consider when creating purpose-led designs:

1. Know Your Audience

Understanding your target audience is the foundation of any successful design project. To create visuals that truly resonate with your audience, it's essential to research their demographics, preferences, and pain points. This information will help you create designs that not only look good but also address the specific needs and desires of your audience.

2. Emphasise Authenticity

In a world filled with digital noise, authenticity is more important than ever. People are drawn to brands that are genuine and transparent about their values and mission. When creating purpose-led designs, make sure to showcase your brand's unique personality and story to create a strong emotional connection with your audience.

3. Leverage the Power of Storytelling

Stories have the power to evoke emotions, create connections, and inspire action. When designing visuals for your purpose-led brand, aim to incorporate a narrative that aligns with your organisation's mission and values. This will help your audience better understand your brand, and it will create a more memorable experience for them.

4. Prioritise Accessibility

Great design should be accessible to everyone, regardless of their abilities or circumstances. To create purpose-led designs that truly make a difference, ensure your visuals are accessible to all users by following accessibility best practices, such as using clear typography, high-contrast colour schemes, and alternative text for images.

5. Iterate and Improve

Design is an ever-evolving process, and staying up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices is crucial for creating visuals that effectively communicate your message. Continuously iterate and improve your designs to keep your visuals fresh and engaging, while staying true to your brand's purpose and values.

Before you go!

If you're interested in learning more about how Tusko can help your organisation create purpose-led designs, why not get in touch here.
