Google Ad Grant
For Charities and Nonprofits
Google Ads are a powerful way to attract more people to your website.
Google does this by placing your company above others in search listings. You know the deal – when someone searches on Google for keywords relating to your organisation a load of results spring into consciousness (and onto your device). Well, it’s possible to pay to be on Google’s first page of results when people search for keywords attached to what you do. This greatly improves your chances of people clicking on your website link. This helps bring traffic to your website, which can achieve a number of other things such as a raise in donations or newsletter signups. .
Google now has a way for charities and nonprofits to take advantage of this service under a generous grant scheme.
The grant is only available to registered charities and nonprofits.
It allows for a maximum monthly spend of £7,000 per month.
It’s free if you do it yourself.
Setting up the ads in the Google Ads platform requires an intermediate to high level of expertise.
The £7,000 spend is the maximum allowance per month and it takes some skill to utilise a higher portion of that allowance.
There are strict parameters around the effectiveness of the ads. They must maintain a certain conversion rate otherwise Google will stop the grant.
We recommend that you check that your organisation is eligible for the grant by clicking here. Then go ahead and apply for it.
If you have any questions or need assistance throughout the process drop us an email.