4 Steps to Create Your Website
4 Steps to Create Your Website
A website is the home of your business - bringing every big idea that makes up your business together.
Here’s how it’s done in 4 simple steps.
Register your domain name
Once you’ve registered your domain name, everything starts to feel real.
After coming up with a name for their business, the very next place that entrepreneurs will head to next is registering their website name. Sometimes it’s a case of snapping it up before somebody else does - but even if someone already owns the domain name you really want, there’s a chance you might be able to buy it as long as they’re not using it.
Your domain name should be a clear, easy to remember reflection of your business. The best domain names are the ones you can share verbally, so the simpler the better. The closer it is to your business name, the easier it will be for customers to find you on search engines.
Use an accredited registrar - you can register your new web domain name, and also set up an email address attached to your domain too (great for professional looking email).
Whether you choose one, three, five or even ten years of domain subscription is up to you - but sometimes it’s best to start with one. Not all domain registrars give great service. Transferring your domain to another provider is absolutely possible, but it can sometimes be a pain.
So do your research, choose a registrar with great service, and get your domain sorted.
“What’s my name?”
2. Find a web hosting company
Now you’ve got a web address, you need to buy some web hosting. You’ve snapped up the street address, and now you’re ready to put some structural architecture in to build the house.
As with domain registrars, not all web hosting companies are created equal. Look for a great deal, but consider what matters to you in the long run. The web hosting option you choose can determine the look and functionality of your website later down the line.Some web hosting companies offer an easy installation Wordpress hosting package, which is great if you’re planning to build a DIY Wordpress site. This can be a bit of a learning curve, but it’s very rewarding, and gives you a lot of control over your website.
Alternatively, Squarespace and Wix offer hosting included, with their signature visual editors that you’ll use to build the site later.
If you’re working with a professional web designer (which is probably the best idea for any business owner looking to set up a credible website), take their advice on what kind of web hosting and platform would work best for you.
Don’t forget to keep up your web hosting payments - otherwise the provider will take your website down, which is how many sites end up falling apart.
3. Get your content together
Now, you’ll need to prepare your content for your website.
Have a good think about what you want your customers to do when they’re on your site.
Once you already know the goal, you have a guide to work out the sections and pages you need to include. Make sure that your site is structured properly, and that the journey around it makes sense. A well-designed website with good accessibility for customers will help your business stand out.
Many businesses will work with a copywriter to map out and write the content for their website. Content should also include photography, and can also include video.
4. Design your website pages
Now you have your web hosting, your domain, and your content - it’s time to get designing. Every page should be aesthetically pleasing, and easy to read.
With many modern web building platforms, it is possible for laypeople to create a professional enough website on their own. However, for a business website that really goes the distance, and functions as it should - it’s usually worth working with a professional web designer. It’s usually faster, and will look better on mobile - which is exceptionally important considering that mobile accounts for half of all web traffic worldwide.
See the example below, a website that we created at Tusko for Climate Stewards. This website helps people off-set their carbon.
A shot from one of the websites we’ve designed.
Before you go!
At Tusko we create beautiful and high functioning websites from scratch for our clients, bringing in strategy, SEO and design to get their message to the digital world. Giving a prominent voice to the unsaid, the hidden and the marginalised, we use our creativity and compassion make sure the right messages get in front of the right people at the right time. We help clients connect with audiences in a meaningful way that challenges perspectives and changes behaviour. To see more of our purpose led campaigns, and brands we’ve created check out our project page, or just holla us at the contact page.
A full list of our services can be found here.
If you’re a charity or work in the third section why not download our free ‘‘Top 5 Freebies for Charities and NonProfits’, which covers website, branding and video creation, at the link.