3 Reasons to get clear on your brand purpose


3 Reasons to get clear on your brand purpose

“People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it”
Simon Sinek.

A business selling a product without purpose will no longer wash with modern audiences.

In today’s crowded marketplace, with all of the environmental and social issues calling out for urgent action - consumers are choosing brands with purpose and commitment whenever they can.


A purpose-driven brand has a mission beyond sales. Brand purpose puts the ‘why’ of your business front and centre, rather than just the ‘how much’. It’s in how you communicate, what you commit to, how you operate, and how you behave in every interaction with your customer. 

Many consumers believe that businesses have a vital role to play in improving society - and that if you’re going to ask for their custom and attention, you need to show how your brand purpose is giving back in return.

Many businesses have an inspiring, convincing sense of purpose hiding just out of view. It’s hidden in their origin story, or tucked away in their company culture. It’s in their supply chain choices, or their commitment to helping their local community. 

By delving deep and getting clear on what’s truly valuable about your company, you’re not only more likely to gain customers - you can make a genuinely positive impact on the world around your business. Everyone wins.

Whether your business is B2B or B2C, people prefer to spend money with organisations advocating for values that align with their own.

And there are a host of business benefits that come with putting your mission at the centre of your brand. Your audience can deeply connect to your brand on a personal level, building long-term loyalty. They’ll speak about your brand in warm tones to their friends, recommend you on the basis of your values, and make time to watch your marketing content. 

But it’s got to be meaningful, and it’s got to be real. Your brand position, your promise, your values and your actions should all be in line with your purpose. Your choices as a company should always reflect your commitment. Otherwise, you’re leaving yourself open to a (potentially well deserved) social media backlash.

As an agency we support our clients to get clear on their brand purpose.

These are the 3 main reasons we feel it’s worth it.


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We build affinity with brands who share our values.

Brands with strong trust and purpose are 2.5 times more likely to have high performing revenue.

A strong sense of brand purpose is now almost essential to recruit top talent, and also to secure investment. As businesses with purpose tend to perform and last the test of time, potential stakeholders are more likely to see sustainability in your business if they know what it means to you. 

In other words - if you’ve got a vision, we will follow you.

True Loyalty.


Every consumer choice is now a vote for the world we want to live in. Why should we vote for you with our money?

With the climate change conversation becoming more urgent - most of us are far more likely to divert our disposable cash to brands who are making positive changes, and communicating that to us. According to a 2020 survey by IBM - 80% of consumers say that sustainability is extremely important to them, and 70% of those people are willing to pay a premium to support brands who are committed to sustainability.

Purpose and values are essential to compete in the market, and justify your audience’s attention.

Generating revenue is no doubt important - ask Gordon Gekko. Bonus points if you can guess the film…


Organisations with strong purpose tend to have better company culture, more persuasive marketing, and greater employee satisfaction. 

What causes could your company support that line up with your audience’s desires? How could you improve the lives of your employees in a way that’s beneficial for them, and for the business? How could you change your operations to reduce your impact on the environment?

By being connected to an inspiring ethos - your brand has the opportunity to do some good in the world, as well as generate profit.

Before you go!

We help brands get clear on their purpose, and create things that people engage with. Giving a prominent voice to the unsaid, the hidden and the marginalised, we use our creativity and compassion make sure the right messages get in front of the right people at the right time. We help clients connect with audiences in a meaningful way that challenges perspectives and changes behaviour. To see more of our purpose led campaigns, and brands we’ve created check out our project page, or just holla us at the contact page.

A full list of our services can be found here.

If you’re a charity or work in the third section why not download our free ‘Top 5 Freebies for Charities and NonProfits’, which covers website, branding and video creation, at the link.
