Pre-launch of the #SecondChances Campaign we engaged in selective audience testing to determine which content caught people’s attention and why. We then worked through our impact strategy to establish goals for the campaign and how we’d evaluate these. The goals include to ensure the content is widely seen, impact people’s behaviour by turning eyeballs into action, bring communities together to discuss the themes of the campaign and to challenge the legal systems and structures that perpetuate the problems (see the films to find out more about these problems).
The campaign led to a live event with a Q&A session with one of the films main protagonists Naomi Blount (a recently commuted lifer) and Secretary Brandon Flood, the secretary for the Board of Pardons. A response to a question directed at Brandon Flood, showed the pressure that is mounting on the Board of Pardons and how the campaign can affect change.
What responsibilities or leadership can someone in your position take toward reforming the process?
For the first time, I testified to the legislature that the BOP needs more funding to hire more staff. We need to depoliticise the board. Hold elected officials accountable.