Sector Review - Charities are facing a ‘Perfect Storm’ (Copy)
Sector Review - Charities are facing a ‘Perfect Storm’
At the bottom of this article is a free guide we’ve put together for creating video, branding and educational resources during COVID-19.
COVID-19 is sure doing it’s damnedest to decimate some sectors while it continues to challenge others. Charities are facing a perfect storm as demand increases but money is running out, warn city leaders who are calling for urgent support.
As charities are instructed by the charity commission to spend the money they raise, they often don’t have any rainy day money. This has been a very long rainy day indeed. Of the 4,000 charities in the South West of U.K (8,000 if you include all the voluntary groups and community groups) - 40% are closing down or considering closing or unsure what the future holds. This is a clear warning of ‘Dire Future’ facing charities and the social sector in the wake of the pandemic.
Some charities are trying desperately to put their services online, so that service users still have access to them remotely and aren’t completely cut off. Additionally finding ways to engage donors in new ways, and coming up with fundraising ideas that don’t require large events or gatherings has been extremely challenging for charities.
Tusko recognises these issues. Our creative agency has designed a number of service packages that aim to get charities online and engaging with their donors and service users. These services include web design and low-cost landing pages, COVID-19 content packages (which don’t require a physical video shoot to take place), and ethical marketing campaigns. These have been created to keep the charities visible and active at a low cost during the pandemic.
COVID-19 up close and personal.
Being visible and talking about important issues that shouldn’t be ignored is what Tusko was set up to do. Our name and iconography incorporate the idea of the elephant in the room - we work with companies from the third sector and disruptive brands that have something important to say.
We all know that charity professionals and volunteers are unsung heroes, often going ‘above and beyond’ on a fraction of the budget of the private sector. With the added pressure of the pandemic and not having a digital response ready has meant that many charities are now feeling the strain. Some have seen their fundraising severely affected. Adapting to prioritising online fundraising can greatly help charities continue to operate. This can be achieved having an up to date and optimised website, and engaging digital marketing campaign This is where we can help.
With 90% of charity donations going to the 7% largest charities, we believe that getting involved locally is where we can have the most impact. That’s why we are committed to helping charities in Bristol. Although COVID-19 is doing its best to scupper all our plans, it hasn’t quite succeeded.
Do you need help with your marketing, branding or web development?
Get in touch if you are interested in sticking two fingers up at COVID-19 with one of our packages.
Also, we’ve made a free guide to creating video, branding and educational resources during COVID-19.
If you are a charity or working for a nonprofit, this guide might help you save some money during this time. It contains 5 free (or heavily discounted) tools for you to use!
Download our ‘Top 5 Freebies for Charities and NonProfits’ here.